Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

This year we are trying to come up with our new years resolution just as the rest of the world.
One of our hopes this year is to find new ways to save money. I've been looking on the web for days to hopefully find brand new ideas that we can try. Since we are so close to becoming debt free, (other than our house, we just have 1000$ in debt to go.) A few things we are going to try are,
*Use washcloths and fabric napkins so we can quit buying paper towels. This will be a savings of 250+ a year
* invest in dryer balls so save 50$+ in Dryer Sheets
* Plant a vertical garden
* put in a clothes line
* make a rain barrel
* The boys hopefully will turn the lights off better and take shorter showers.

With these few changes, I can't wait to see how little our utility bills become. ;)

that We hope that you have a wonderful upcoming year!