Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wedding Season

It's that time of year when the weddings seem to be in full swing! Jeff and I never imagined in our wildest dreams that our barnwood items would be so popular for wedding!
As we watched the movie The Proposal a few days ago, we noticed that at the end of the movie, the wedding is a barn wedding! It was such a pretty setting that I hardly paid attention to the actors. I was trying to take in as much of the barn as I could.
Jeff grew up on a farm and has always loved barns. It doesn't matter if they are standing tall and strong or falling down, he loves barns.
Years ago, I was once a wedding coordinator at our church. A few of the weddings still stick with me. They were the wedding where people used natural materials to decorate the sanctuary as well as the reception hall. We know that if we had thought of it 14 years ago, we would also have a barn wedding as well.

I would LOVE to see pictures of any of the items that we have made actually being used!

Most of the time we make custom orders for weddings. However, here are a few different items that we've sold that people have used for their weddings.

Custom order 8 x 10 chalkboards

Tray Perfect for place setting cards placed in sand or moss

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